“For many years these items hung around in the various outbuildings of my family home. The ship’s lantern, block (pulley), and chain came from my great uncle (mother’s side) George Lewis’s fishing schooner, Arazana, that sailed out of Truro’s Pamet Harbor before it silted in. The fid (wooden tool) was my great grandfather’s (father’s side) from his fishing days. I can't imagine how but the fid was used to mend splits in the rigging and to make and mend fishing nets.
These precious relics now adorn my home's interior. I am particularly fond of the lantern, which was a foremast lantern. When hung, it showed oncoming vessels the port and starboard sides of the Arazana. It still contains the original glass with all its intricacies.
Painting this brought me back to my roots and reminded me that my ties to the sea are part of my heritage. I have found it is a New England heritage that is highly regarded, even by many who have never been here.”